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Monday, April 11, 2011

Cloud Computing, Chapter 8

Chapter 8: Standards

A cloud application is the software architecture that the cloud uses to eliminate the need to install and run on the client computer.  There are many applications that can be run, but there needs to be a standard way to connect between the client and the cloud.  For instance, HTTP is the standard for transferring data between the cloud and your organization.

While HTTP is the most common way to connect browsers to the cloud, the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) could be the next big thing for cloud computing. XMPP allows for two-way communicating, instead of just one-way information exchanges.  It also eliminates polling, or having the client ping the host at regular intervals.  XMPP is XML-based and and easily extensible, which makes it ideal for cloud computing, as well as being efficient and able to scale to millions of concurrent users on a single service.  

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is the standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a web server and browser, ensuring that the data passed between the browser and the web server stays private.  It includes some behind-the-scenes steps, and all you are likely to see is that the page takes a bit longer to load.

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are used to control how pages are presented, and make pages more accessible.  Dynamic HTML (DHTML) is a different way of looking at and controlling the standard HTML codes and commands, rather than a new specification of it.  Four parts to HTML are the Document Object Model (DOM), which allows you to access your web page and make changes with DHTML; scripts, which are used to control the objects specified in the DOM; CSS, used to control the look and feel of the web page; and XHTML, the code for writing the web pages and is used to build the elements for the CSS and the DOM to work on.  
One of the most common uses of DHTML is changing the qualities of an HTML tag, depending on an event outside of the browser. Real-time positioning allows objects, images, and text to move around the web page.  

Javascript is a scripting language used for client-side web development.  It runs locally on a user’s browser rather than on the server, so it responds quickly to user actions. It can detect user action, which HTML cannot, like sensing individual keystrokes.

Infrastructure is a way to deliver virtualization to your cloud computing solution.  Virtualization is gaining widespread adoption due to its indisputable customer benefits.  
Hypervisors are the foundational component of virtual infrastructure and enable computer system partitioning. As an initial step, VMware contributed an existing framework of interfaces, based on its virtualization products to facilitate the development of these standards in an industry-neutral manner.

As the result of VMware and its industry partners’ efforts, a standard has already been developed called the Open Virtualization Format (OVF).  It is platform-independent, extensible, and open specification for the packaging and distribution of virtual appliances composed of one or more virtual machines. OVF gives customers and developers the choice to select any hypervisor based on price, preference, or functionality, and it prevents vendor lock-in.  

A web service is a software system designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network that may be accessed by other cloud computing components.  JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a lightweight computer data interchange format, used for transmitting structured data over a network connection in a process called serialization, and is often used as an alternative to XML.  It should be used instead of XML when JavaScript is sending or receiving data. Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a standard, self-describing way of encoding text and data so that content can be accessed with very little human interaction and exchanged across a wide variety of hardware, operating systems, and applications.  XML provides a standardized way to represent text and data in a format that can be used across platforms, and can be used with a wide range of development tools and utilities.  
Web services describe how data is transferred from the cloud to the client.  Representational state transfer (REST) is a way of getting information content from a web site by reading a designated web page that contains an XML file that describes and includes the desired content.  It is similar in function to the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), which offers more capability but is harder to use.
An important component in REST is the existence of resources, which are sources of specific information and each one is referenced by a global identifier.  

SOAP is a way for a program running in one kind of operating system to communicate with a program in the same or another kind of an operating system.

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