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Monday, April 11, 2011

Cloud Computing, Chapter 5



Mobile: pda's, and smartphones, use small, simple applications. Applications can be made with the mobile user in mind so they are easily accessed. Security is an issue with Mobile clients.

Thin: no hard drives, dvd-rom drives, display server on screen. High security level.

Thick: still have most things in house, can connect with virtual server, but if something happens to the machine your data is lost.


With cloud computing the biggest benefit is the centralization of data, and thin clients make this easier. The centralization of data helps to minimize data leaks and helps simplify monitoring of data because you only have to check one place. Often times the cloud provider will supply 24/7 Tech support so you don't have to handle everything yourself, especially in case something goes wrong. Also because you are not the only one paying they often have more security features then you think, and a better reputation will bring in more clients- and they want that. If, however, there is a breach your provider has an easier time responding then you would with a local one. There are also regulations in place to make sure sensitive data is secure. VPN (virtual private network) can also be used to help secure your data in transit.


The basic public network is the most basic connection for cloud, this the normal internet hook-up found in homes. You buy from an ISP- internet service provider and connect based on your location. The Accelerated internet  is oriented towards the cloud internet provider, and can end up with a 50% performance increase. Optimized internet overlay is used over the basic internet but shows up on the providers cloud.

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