This Blog is dedicated to giving an accurate compilation of notes and interpretations of Lannon's Technical Writing text book. Hopefully this will be helpful in furthering your understanding or even just giving you a look at the challenges of technical writing.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Lannon, Chapter 26


When planning a presentation make sure you look at who will be listening and try to tailor it to your audience. Make sure you know why you are giving a presentation, what the subject is and what you want the listeners to take away from it.  During planning also take in to account what your surroundings are going to be like.

VISUALS- use them.

Lannon, Chapter 25


"Front matter" includes:
- cover page
- title page
- letter of transmittal
- table of contents, list of tables and figures
- abstract
- glossary
- Works cited/endnotes 

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Lannon, Chapter 24


The formal analytical report takes the place of the memo when details are required. They include a title page, table of contents, a system of headings, references/ works cited and things that will be discussed in the next chapter.

There are any number of reasons to write an analytical report, but you must always ask questions, find the best sources, evaluate your findings and draw the necessary conclusions and provide the recommendations. The usual problems involve finding why something happens or if one option is better then another. It can also debate whether something is a good idea.

In your report you need to have a clearly defined goal and an understanding of the problem at hand. You should present the necessary amount of data and information to support your plan of action. The data used needs to be fair and accurate, as well as, interpreted. You should use visuals when needed to help make your idea clearer and easier to understand. Give the audience a valid conclusion and feasible plan of action.


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Lannon, Chapter 23


Proposals are used to persuade your employers into taking on a project or just showing how you want to go about a project. you need to address the problem and causes. Pros and cons of the project, as well as, objections. research proposals are usually to request approval for research or grants.

To write a Proposal:
- title
- understanding of audience's needs
- focus on benefits
- support claims
- details
- readability
- language
- visuals
- page design
- tailored to audience
- proper citation

Lannon, Chapter 22


Instructional documents instruct persons on what they should and shouldn't do with a product, for their safety of course. They help answer the basic questions customers may ask. They can come in different media like brochures, manuals, reference cards, and online documents.

If your instructions are faulty or don't contain the warnings necessary this is a liability. You need to make sure to cover all the bases in order to prevent lawsuits.
-clear title
-informed content
-detail and technicality
make sure to include warnings and hazards. use the previously outlined language for technical documents.
use instructions appropriately.

Lannon, Chapter 21


Purposes and Types of Technical Description
Descriptions are used to help users understand what a product does, how it works, what it looks like, etc. Two main types: [1] product [2] process.

Objectivity in Technical Description
Descriptions can be objective or subjective, meaning either an impartial view or express feelings or sentiments. Unless promotional, technical documents should be objective. Help visualize the product with details. Be precise and use informative language.

Elements of a Usable Description
Have a title that's clear and informs the reader of the subject. Have the appropriate level of technical terms for your audience. Don't bore them with facts that aren't needed. Visuals are good to help the audience visualize the product and understand the processes. Sequences help depict what happens through the different steps of the process. A spatial sequence show what it a product does and how it looks; while a functional sequence shows how it works. A chronological sequence shows how it's assembled and how it happens.

An Outline and Model for Product Description 
An outline helps organize and present what must be covered for the user. The general description gives an overview of the product- what they need to know to use it. Body of text is for describing major parts. The summary and operating description explains how the parts work together.

Specifications are very important because the wrong specs can cause a product to fail. specifications go through five main groups of people: the customers, the designer, the contractor/manufacturer, the supplier, the workforce and the inspectors.