This Blog is dedicated to giving an accurate compilation of notes and interpretations of Lannon's Technical Writing text book. Hopefully this will be helpful in furthering your understanding or even just giving you a look at the challenges of technical writing.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Lannon, Chapter 7


Research usually follows a sequence: procedural stages are searching for information, recording you findings, documenting your sources, and writing the document. Inquiry stages are asking the right questions, exploring a balance of views, achieving adequate depth in your search, evaluating you findings, and interpreting you findings.

"the answers you uncover will only be as good as the questions you ask" (Lannon, 115)

Balancing of views is also a huge part of it, because all prospects need to be explored in order to help the reader create an informed decision. Use sources that are up-to-date and reputable, such as professional journals.

A broad range of evidence will add depth to your work:

  1. surface level- used for general consumption, skims only the surface of an issue. easy to digest and understand but detailed information. Popular media.
  2. second level- made for moderately informed to highly specialized persons. Focuses on practice rather then theory. information is accurate but reflect bias. trade, business and technical publications. 
  3. deepest level- based on theory and practice. latest studies and debates. professional journals or government sources. 
Evaluate the source of information and identify bias or other factors that may be misleading. Try to find the most accurate information. 

After you asses your information and it's sources, you must interpret this data. ask questions pertaining to your 

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Lannon, Chapter 6


Starting off, Lannon presents the fact that most complex documents of technical writing are done by a group, and how due to the increasing technology, what was traditionally an on site job has since spread out. People are now able to communicate over the internet via video and calls so they can collaborate across timezones and countries.

Teamwork only works with strong cooperation, team structure, and clear communication.

  • appoint group manager 
  • define clear goals
  • identify the document required
  • define the tasks
  • establish a time table
  • decide on a meeting schedule
  • response procedure 
  • file naming strategy 
  • interpersonal strife 
  • group decision making
  • project management plan
  • progress reports

Running a meeting:
  • set an agenda
  • ask each person to prepare
  • appoint an "observer"
  • begin with minutes from last meeting
  • give all members opportunity to speak
  • stick to the issues 
  • observe guide and listen
  • summarize major points before calling for a vote 
  • end meetings on schedule 
Conflict is a major issue with group work. most conflicts are because of personality differences but they can also be gender or culturally based.
managing conflict:
  • give everyone an opportunity to be heard
  • take feelings and opinions seriously 
  • don't be afraid to disagree 
  • offer and accept constructive criticism 
  • find points of agreement with different views 
  • support decisions fully
Active listening:
  • don't dictate
  • be receptive
  • keep an open mind
  • be courteous
  • show genuine interest
  • hear the speaker out
  • focus on the message 
  • be agreeable 
  • ask for clarification 
  • observe the 90/10 rule 
Think creatively 
  • brainstorm
  • brainwriting 
  • mind-mapping 
  • story boarding 
Peer editing and reviewing
  • read the entire piece at least twice before you comment 
  • mechanical correctness doesn't equal effectiveness
  • acceptable limits of editing 
  • be honest, diplomatic 
  • focus on big picture
  • explain why something doesn't work
  • specific recommendations for improvement 
  • not all feed back is equal 
Ethical abuse 
  • intimidation 
  • claiming credit
  • withholding information

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Lannon, Chapter 5


Lannon begins with explaining how it is unethical to win at any costs. That presenting only what advances the case, and ignoring the disadvantages. This is unethical because it prevents the customer from making an informed decision. "keep it accurate, honest, and fair".

Unethical communication ranges from the "black and white" of exaggerating credentials on a resume, down playing hazards of a product, or hiring people based on a relationship; to product safety and quality like amount of maintenance. One of the biggest examples in unethical communication exemplified in this book is the financial scandals where executives hid the looming bankruptcy from employees and investors.

Major causes of unethical communication are when people are compelled by an employer, coworkers, or bad judgement-- winning at any cost mentality influences the ethical values of the business. Often miscommunication of information is in the argument between production and safety. There is also a difference between teamwork and "groupthink". Groupthink is where pressure prevents individuals from questioning, it is another form of peer pressure. This pressure gives others the excuse to deny responsibility and often hide behind it.

Potential communication abuse needs to be predicted. When walking the line between what the company wants and what the customers need to know.

  • suppressing knowledge the public needs
  • hiding conflicts of interest
  • exaggerating claims about technology
  • falsifying or fabricating data
  • using visual images that conceal the truth 
  • stealing or divulging proprietary information 
  • misusing electronic information 
  • withholding information people need for their jobs 
Critical thinking is a major part of avoiding unethical communication. Weighing what could happen if you release or don't release certain information. 
Judgement Criteria 
  • obligation to self
  • obligation to customers
  • obligation to company
  • obligation to company
  • obligation to community 
  • obligation to society 
Hard choices are a part of being ethical. 

You can't depend only on legal guidelines. legal guidelines are just the basics, and have no ethical responsibility. 

Plagiarism is a simple thing to do but a huge unethical thing to do. taking credit for the ideas of others and their work. all resources should be identified and given credit. 

where do you draw the line? decide for yourself where you stand on each subject. ALWAYS do research on a company and their reputation before accepting a job. 

Lannon, Chapter 4


Persuasion is influencing someone's actions, opinions, and decisions.

Claims: statement of the point you are trying to prove

  1. facts
  2. what the facts mean
  3. what should be done
**Claims require support

Have a specific goal you want to accomplish. what do you want to affect?
  • opinions
  • support
  • submit a proposal
  • change behavior
Try to predict audience reactions-prepare for defensive questions

Expect audience resistance: people who have yet to make up their mind are easier to influence because people who have tend to assume they're right. When other parties yield, their are three general responses;
  1. Compliance- don't believe in the idea but are pressured into going with it.
  2. Identification- believe it because they feel they have a connection. 
  3. Internalization- believe it because it makes sense and fits their goals and values
Connect with the audience:
  1. Power connection- compliance
  2. Relationship connection- identification 
  3. Rational connection- internalization 
**the biggest factor in persuasion is the audience perception of the Author

Allow for give and take: audience looks for balanced argument 
promote your view- explain reasoning and evidence, find weakness and improve argument, challenge the argument. 
respond to opposition- see other side, understand their side, reach agreement on what to do next, compromise. 

Ask for a specific response- let people know what you want them to do, generally people don't like making decisions because they imply responsibility. 

Never ask for too much- they won't accept things they find unreasonable 

Realize your limits
  • Organizational- pecking order
  • Legal- liability 
  • Ethical- honesty and fair play
  • Time- correct timing 
  • social and psychological- audience (relationship, personality, affiliation, perceptions of urgency) 
Support your claims- strongest presented case 
  • quality evidence 
  • credible sources
  • reasonable evidence 
    • facts
    • statistics [cite the #'s]
    • examples- show what you mean
    • expert opinions
    • shared goals and values 
Cultural context- differ in approaches 

    • political climate 
    • unspoken rules
    • decide on a connection 
    • anticipate reactions 
  • PLAN 
    • define a goal 
    • research 
    • think you idea through 
    • never present some thing unreasonable 
    • be clear
    • avoid extremes 
    • find points of agreement 
    • concede something to the other side
    • don't just criticize
    • support all claims
    • best material only  
    • get second opinion 
    • timing 
    • appropriate medium 
    • give out copies 
    • responses 
    • don't be defensive 
    • know when to back off 

Monday, January 24, 2011

Lannon, Chapter 3


Usability is how easy it is to locate and understand the information presented in a document. Lannon uses this chapter to emphasize the importance of delivering the correct information at the correct level.

Take in to account different audiences, stereotype what different groups are looking for in a document: scientists look for different things then engineers and so to the "laypersons". Also realize that each expect the document to be tailored to them.

Another important thing to know is how detailed you need to be. How much information is too much information?

How technical do you need to be? The audience is divided into 3 groups: highly technical, semi technical and non technical. Highly technical are your "experts", this is their bread and butter, all they need is the facts and figures. They can understand and apply specific terms and jargon associated with their fields. The semi technical are "informed", they have some understanding; what they need is facts, figures, and some explaining. Some technical terms will be understood but others may not. This leaves the non informed or "laypersons". They are assumed to have very basic knowledge and well need  explanations with out technical gobbly-gook.  Having identified the different technical levels, the document needs to be tailored to your users, mainly primary and secondary users. Lannon suggests writing for the lowest technical level of your primary users with side notes to help the secondary users understand.

Do you know your user? For the document you need to find the audience intended and create a profile of them. Learn everything you can about the character of the audience. Then take into account the purpose of the document because that will determine many aspects of the writing (persuade, inform, instruct, etc.) Also, what is the intended  use. Background is very important both educational and cultural; different cultures want information presented in different ways. Setting will influence how the document is written as well, if it is being read where there are many distractions, it needs to be written so that it is easy to come back to and find where you were previously. Hazards and errors in the use and understanding of the writing needs to be taken in to account. Lets face it, people can be idiots; granted some times accidents happen, but there is always some bright kid out there sticking their hand in a toaster or a fork in a socket. Due date and timing, plan accordingly; there is usually a window of opportunity for the document or just a deadline, do not miss it.

HAVE A DESIGN PLAN. Write a time table and any useful facts pertinent to the document. Make sure to have a clear idea of the intended purpose, use and user of the document; then tailor it accordingly.

Write the document but leave time to test it and revise. Focus on content, organization, style, page design and the ethical, legal and cultural considerations. TEST IT. Have some sample of the intended audience read and review the document. Make the necessary changes to improve the document.

Lannon, Chapter 2

Chapter 2 focuses on the preparations for creating an effective piece of technical writing with 4 major points:

  1. only present the information necessary 
  2. be persuasive in your argument 
  3. debate ethical issues, address the relevant sides in debate
  4. work in teams
Lannon emphasizes "discovering what you want to say" and relying on creative and critical thinking, because this encourages new ideas. He also touches base on how you can not trust everything you read on the internet.

On the writing process he outlines 4 stages:

  • gather and evaluate information
  • outline and plan the document
  • draft 
  • revise- proof reading being the very last thing you do. 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Lannon, Chapter 1

This Chapter stresses the importance of technical writing, as well as what it takes to create an effective piece. Technical writing is "user centered" meaning that the whole point is to help the readers understand. And for them to understand you have to make the work such that it is available to the audience and that it is at their level; for example you would not give a middle schooler a guide to C++ and expect them to be able to program, that is just too much information on a subject they've never been introduced to.

When writing there are some key features for your piece:

  1. contains only the information needed so as to be understood 
  2. it has flow, and can be easily followed
  3. well organized to guide the audience and able to emphasize importance 
  4. images that will help visualize 
  5.  resources that will help focus the audience on relevant material
  6. design the page to help guide the reader like a table of contents or suitable type set
Technical writing can be found any where from blogs to magazines to text books and recipe cards. It is not limited to one source or type of media. Books, papers, podcasts, websites, all of theses utilize the skills of technical writing, even Ikea pictograms. 

Over all technical writing is how to get people to understand and access information easily. It is a form of communication and as such there are some things needed to be taken into account, such as culture: Is this going to be read by an American or a Russian?, or the level of communication needed: Do they need a broad understanding or would they prefer specifics?, even age level: Should there be funny cartoons that help explain or will text be enough?.

EVERYONE, no matter who it is, depends on technical writing; from children playing video games to adults learning to knit. Such are our notes, and such is our ebook.