Usability is how easy it is to locate and understand the information presented in a document. Lannon uses this chapter to emphasize the importance of delivering the correct information at the correct level.
Take in to account different audiences, stereotype what different groups are looking for in a document: scientists look for different things then engineers and so to the "laypersons". Also realize that each expect the document to be tailored to them.
Another important thing to know is how detailed you need to be. How much information is too much information?
How technical do you need to be? The audience is divided into 3 groups: highly technical, semi technical and non technical. Highly technical are your "experts", this is their bread and butter, all they need is the facts and figures. They can understand and apply specific terms and jargon associated with their fields. The semi technical are "informed", they have some understanding; what they need is facts, figures, and some explaining. Some technical terms will be understood but others may not. This leaves the non informed or "laypersons". They are assumed to have very basic knowledge and well need explanations with out technical gobbly-gook. Having identified the different technical levels, the document needs to be tailored to your users, mainly primary and secondary users. Lannon suggests writing for the lowest technical level of your primary users with side notes to help the secondary users understand.
Do you know your user? For the document you need to find the audience intended and create a profile of them. Learn everything you can about the character of the audience. Then take into account the purpose of the document because that will determine many aspects of the writing (persuade, inform, instruct, etc.) Also, what is the intended use. Background is very important both educational and cultural; different cultures want information presented in different ways. Setting will influence how the document is written as well, if it is being read where there are many distractions, it needs to be written so that it is easy to come back to and find where you were previously. Hazards and errors in the use and understanding of the writing needs to be taken in to account. Lets face it, people can be idiots; granted some times accidents happen, but there is always some bright kid out there sticking their hand in a toaster or a fork in a socket. Due date and timing, plan accordingly; there is usually a window of opportunity for the document or just a deadline, do not miss it.
HAVE A DESIGN PLAN. Write a time table and any useful facts pertinent to the document. Make sure to have a clear idea of the intended purpose, use and user of the document; then tailor it accordingly.
Write the document but leave time to test it and revise. Focus on content, organization, style, page design and the ethical, legal and cultural considerations. TEST IT. Have some sample of the intended audience read and review the document. Make the necessary changes to improve the document.